Pastoring on Purpose

A Podcast of Ministerial Care

About the show

A podcast rooted in the work of Ministerial Care. Pastoring on Purpose speaks with leaders, pastors, and members of the Church of God and other church communities, endeavoring to learn about topics such as pastoral burnout, theodicy, boundaries, and so much more.

Pastoring on Purpose on social media


  • GA2024 - Lane Sargent

    July 12th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  22 mins 8 secs

    Pastor Lane Sargent stopped by our General Assembly booth to record a mini-episode with his son, Dr. Jeff Sargent and Dr. Tim Maness. They talk about fathers and sons and the healthy dynamics of being a family leading a church.

  • GA2024 - Gary and Brittany Jones

    July 12th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  14 mins 54 secs

    Gary and Brittany Jones are the founders of The Pursuit Project, an organization that helps church leaders and their congregations discover their purpose within the church. They joined us live from the General Assembly exhibitor hall to talk about this exciting new project.

  • GA2024 - Melody Buttram

    July 11th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  18 mins 46 secs

    Melody Buttram joins Dr. Tim Maness on this mini-episode of Pastoring on Purpose, recorded live in the exhibitor hall at General Assembly 2024. Melody is a client of Ministerial Care and a PK who asked to share her story of triumph over depression.

  • GA2024 - Skip Jenkins

    July 11th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  19 mins 11 secs

    Lee University Professor Skip Jenkins came by our booth at General Assembly to record a mini-episode about his new book, 20 Questions: Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues. Skip teaches Historical Theology at Lee and based this book on questions his students posed to him.

  • GA2024 - Chaselyn and Brandon Pratt

    July 11th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  14 mins 59 secs

    Live from General Assembly, Chaselyn and her father Brandon Pratt came by to tell our listeners about their experience receiving help from the Center for Ministerial Care.

  • GA2024 - Nate & Billy

    July 11th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  23 mins 8 secs

    Biguun Soninbayar and Otgonchuluu Bayarsaikhan (Billy and Nate), two students from Mongolian International University, stopped by our General Assembly booth to give their testimony on this mini-episode. From lives of sin and struggle, these two young men have found the Lord and are now leading their own church in Mongolia!

  • GA2024 - Jennifer Wolverton

    July 10th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  23 mins 8 secs

    Live from our General Assembly exhibitor hall booth, this mini-episode of Pastoring on Purpose, Jennifer Wolverton joined us to talk about being a counselor and the Psychology Department Chair at Mongolia International University.

  • GA2024 - William Lamb

    July 10th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  20 mins 55 secs

    Dr. William Lamb, director of the Leonard Center at Lee University, joins us live from the exhibitor hall at General Assembly 2024! In this mini-episode, Dr. Lamb talks about his new book, Trek On: The Journey of a Disciple.

  • GA2024 - Michael Welborne

    July 10th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  19 mins 14 secs

    Time for another mini-episode of Pastoring on Purpose, recorded live at General Assembly 2024! This short episode features Pastor Michael Welborne from Pelham Church of God. Pastor Welborne shares his personal story of facing two major health challenges in one year, and how his Faith led him through!

  • GA2024 - Philip Bonaparte

    July 9th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  13 mins

    Our second mini-episode of Pastoring on Purpose recorded live at General Assembly 2024 features Administrative Bishop Philip Bonaparte. Dr. Bonaparte spoke with Producer Ryan about his experience serving the Island of Grenada and some of the cultural differences compared to the church he pastors in New Jersey.

  • GA2024 - Durean Coleman

    July 8th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  11 mins 51 secs

    In our first mini-episode of Pastoring on Purpose recorded live at General Assembly 2024, the interim executive director of Peniel Residential Drug/Alcohol Treatment Facility, Durean Coleman, talks about the incredible work and healing happening at their facilty.

  • Season 5 Episode 11: Dwight Spivey

    July 3rd, 2024  |  Season 5  |  47 mins

    Dwight Spivey, president of the Church of God Foundation, joins the official podcast of Ministerial Care this week. Dwight tells Dr. Tim Maness and his team the exciting work the Foundation is doing to help churches with financial needs, and he shares his personal story of battling COVID, the miracle of healing he received, and his struggle with survivors' guilt in its wake.

  • Season 5 Episode 10: Dennis Watkins

    June 18th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  44 mins 23 secs

    Dennis Watkins joins Dr. Tim Maness and the Ministerial Care team for a discussion on the legal aspects of pastors counseling their congregation members and how to protect yourself from placing yourself at legal risk. Dennis has served as the Legal Counsel for Church of God in Cleveland since 1994.

  • Season 5 Episode 9: General Assembly & Care Update

    June 5th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  36 mins 20 secs

    Dr. Tim Maness and the Ministerial Care team discuss upcoming General Assembly plans for recording this podcast live from the vendor hall during this episode of Pastoring on Purpose. They also talk about the amazing Spirit Care banquet held during Smokey Mountain Gathering a few weeks ago, and share insight and data about the increasing success of the Ministerial Care counseling program available at no cost to Church of God ministers and their families!

  • Season 5 Episode 8: The Shuler Family

    May 22nd, 2024  |  Season 5  |  1 hr 6 mins

    Dr. Tim Maness and the Ministerial Care team are joined by Jennifer, Madison, Blake, and Brayden Shuler to talk about the process of grief and the importance of family when facing the sudden loss of a loved one. The Shulers share their struggles, as well as their encouraging thoughts, on how families can deal with the struggles and the best ways others can be there for families in similar situations.

  • Season 5 Episode 7: Jacqueline Smith

    May 7th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  47 mins 31 secs

    National Evangelist for the Church of God Jacqueline E. Smith joins Dr. Tim Maness and the Minsterial Care team for a thoughtful and insightful discussion about her spiritual journey. Learn about her roots in classical opera singing and her calling to serve the Lord. She openly shares her experiences navigating the challenges of being a single, black woman breaking through barriers, as well as the triumphs and rewards received through her service to God.