Pastoring on Purpose

A Podcast of Ministerial Care

About the show

A podcast rooted in the work of Ministerial Care. Pastoring on Purpose speaks with leaders, pastors, and members of the Church of God and other church communities, endeavoring to learn about topics such as pastoral burnout, theodicy, boundaries, and so much more.

Pastoring on Purpose on social media


  • Season 5 Episode 6: Arlie Tagayuna

    April 23rd, 2024  |  Season 5  |  50 mins 42 secs

    The Ministerial Care team is joined by Professor Arlie Tagayuna from Lee University. Arlie shares some of the extensive research he has been performing focusing on the ongoing effects and behavioral changes that have occurred in the church as a result of the COVID crisis. We explore the data involving attendance, giving, online services, and more, and talk about what churches can learn as congregations move forward.

  • Season 5 Episode 5: Team Reflections

    April 10th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  41 mins 33 secs

    Dr. Tim Maness is joined by the Ministerial Care team to talk about recent life events, including the challenges of teaching a daughter to drive and the loss of a dear friend, Dr. Oliver McMahon.

  • Season 5 Episode 4: Mark and Lynn Swank

    March 26th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  38 mins 8 secs

    This podcast is sponsored by the Center for Ministerial Care

  • Season 5 Episode 3: Mark Swank

    March 12th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  35 mins 23 secs

    This podcast is sponsored by the Center for Ministerial Care

  • Season 5 Episode 2: Jeff Sargent and the Birth of Pastoring on Purpose

    February 28th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  34 mins 59 secs

    Dr. Tim Maness sits down with Jeff Sargent and Donna Higgins to talk about how Jeff first came to become involved with Ministerial Care. From there, they share the journey that led them to this podcast and the successful outcomes it has helped to create within the Church of God.

  • Season 5 Episode 1: Jeff McGirt

    February 13th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  50 mins 36 secs

    Jeff McGirt is the administrative bishop of the state of Alaska, handling all of the unique challenges of connecting churches that can be as much as 2,000 miles apart in geography that requires travel by car, plane, and ferry. Dr. Tim Maness and the Ministerial Care team learn about Jeff's incredible journey on this exciting episode.